#2: My Recent Revelation

While I've been an artist my whole entire life (seriously, I cannot remember a time in my life when I wouldn't draw or doodle at every opportunity), I've recently developed an absolute passion for hand lettering. I have done hand drawn letters before, certainly, but never to this extent or with this level of care and craftsmanship.

Yes, I have noticed the rise in popularity of lettering lately and I'm super grateful. The pendulum had swung so far to the computers-and-technology-are-all-we-need end of the spectrum that it's finally swinging back to the omg-humans-and-their-flaws-are-awesome side of things. I began life as a fine artist and that remains my heart. So creating art with my hands and actual physical tools and that being totally trendy makes me unbelievably happy.

You'll see in my most recent body of work that lettering is my current focus (read: obsession). I want to make pretty letters every.single.day!!

With that, I want to practice, practice, and more practice as much as I possibly can. And that's a good reminder to you, my creative friend. We've got to practice every single day and remember that no matter how good we think we are, there is always more to learn.